Risk of death from cardiovascular disease following breast cancer: a systematic review
Tóm tắt
Breast cancer incidence and survival is high, which results in high prevalence of breast cancer survivors. The risk of (death from) cardiovascular disease (CVD) is higher in patients exposed to cardiotoxic treatments, in particular if they have pre-existing CVD risk factors. This study systematically summarized the risk of death from CVD following breast cancer. Databases of Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were systematically searched using the following terms and synonyms: breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cause of death. Articles reporting on both risk and risk factors of CVD mortality following breast cancer were eligible for inclusion. The methodological quality of each article was assessed using the Newcastle Ottawa quality assessment scale for cohort studies. Fourteen articles were included assessing the risk of CVD mortality among 1,217,910 women with breast cancer. The methodological quality was high for the majority of the studies. Studies were heterogeneous in design, study population, length of follow-up, CVD outcomes, and risk factors. 1.6–10.4% of all women with breast cancer died of CVD. Women with breast cancer had a higher risk of CVD mortality than women from the general population. The risk of CVD mortality was higher among women with breast cancer with older age at diagnosis, left-sided tumor, diagnosis in an earlier calendar period, and black ethnic origin. CVD is an important cause of death following breast cancer. Identification of patients at high risk of CVD is important to optimize CVD prevention and tailor breast cancer treatment.
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