Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among racial and ethnic minorities with schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders: a critical literature review

Comprehensive Psychiatry - Tập 55 - Trang 233-247 - 2014
Hannah Carliner1, Pamela Y. Collins2, Leopoldo J. Cabassa3,4,5, Ann McNallen6, Sarah S. Joestl7, Roberto Lewis-Fernández3,4,8
1Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA
2Office for Research on Disparities and Global Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health/NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
3Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
4New York State Center of Excellence for Cultural Competence, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, USA
5Columbia University School of Social Work, New York, NY, USA
6Department of Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
7Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
8Hispanic Treatment Program, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, USA

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