Integrated magnetic and gravity surveys for geothermal exploration in Central Iran
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The Delijan region of Central Iran is a popular tourist spot due to the occurrence of hot springs and having the greatest geothermal fields in Iran. In the years 2011 and 2012, an integrated geophysical investigation, using magnetic and gravity methods, was conducted over the hot springs in order to characterize geophysical anomaly sources corresponding to the geothermal resources. The results of the geophysical investigations revealed the heat source and the reservoir of the Delijan geothermal system (DGS). Based on results of Euler depth estimation and 3D inversion of magnetic and gravity data, the depths and extension of the discovered structures were determined with a good correlation with the geological information. The results of magnetic interpretation show that the main source (heat source) of the geothermal system is located NE of the Delijan-Abgarm fault (DAf) zone at depths of 2500 to 5000 m, and the results of gravity interpretation show that the reservoir of the geothermal system is located along the DAf zone at depths of 1000 to 4000 m. Also, the horizontal gradients of gravity data reveal complex fault systems which are acting as the preferential paths to circulate the hydrothermal fluids.
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