Efficient Belief Propagation for Early Vision

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 70 - Trang 41-54 - 2006
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb1, Daniel P. Huttenlocher2
1Computer Science Department, University of Chicago, Chicago
2Computer Science Department, Cornell University, USA

Tóm tắt

Markov random field models provide a robust and unified framework for early vision problems such as stereo and image restoration. Inference algorithms based on graph cuts and belief propagation have been found to yield accurate results, but despite recent advances are often too slow for practical use. In this paper we present some algorithmic techniques that substantially improve the running time of the loopy belief propagation approach. One of the techniques reduces the complexity of the inference algorithm to be linear rather than quadratic in the number of possible labels for each pixel, which is important for problems such as image restoration that have a large label set. Another technique speeds up and reduces the memory requirements of belief propagation on grid graphs. A third technique is a multi-grid method that makes it possible to obtain good results with a small fixed number of message passing iterations, independent of the size of the input images. Taken together these techniques speed up the standard algorithm by several orders of magnitude. In practice we obtain results that are as accurate as those of other global methods (e.g., using the Middlebury stereo benchmark) while being nearly as fast as purely local methods.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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