Oxidation behavior of monolithic TiN and TiN dispersed in ceramic matrices
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The mechanism and kinetics of high-temperature (up to 1500°C) oxidation of pressureless-sintered TiN and hot-pressed silicon nitride-TiN, alumina-TiN, aluminum nitride-TiN, and AlON-TiN ceramic composites were studied in air under isothermal and nonisothermal conditions. Analysis of the oxidation products revealed the formation of rutile in the temperature range from 600 to 1000°C. An interaction of TiO2 with the matrix and/or its oxidation products was observed at higher temperatures. The oxidation of TiN-containing composites shows different behavior depending on the temperature. The presence of fine isolated inclusions of TiN (<30 mass %) in the silicon-nitride matrix does not change the mass gain during oxidation or increases it only slightly, as compared with a TiN-free material. For materials containing a continuous skeleton of TiN (>30 mass %) a noticeable increase of the oxidation rate was observed.
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