University Teacherss Views on English as the Medium of Instruction in an Iranian Higher Education Institution

Abbas Zare-ee1, S. Yahya Hejazi2
1University of Kashan
2University of Tehran, English Language and Literature Department, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Students

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EMI facilitates communication of cultural ideas, events, and values

The use of EMI leads to positive cultural understanding

It improves learners' behavior in intercultural encounters

It helps transmission of cultural ideas via books, films, events, etc

Teachers believed that it was not culturally appropriate to use EMI because of the following reasons: 1. EMI can be a threat to our local language and culture

Socio-cultural matters are communicated more efficiently in L1, i.e., Persian. 3. Students might adopt incompatible cultural norms by the use of EMI

The use of EMI relegates our rich local cultural heritage

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