Failure mode classification of reinforced concrete column using Fisher method

Journal of Central South University - Tập 20 - Trang 2863-2869 - 2013
Yong-le Qi1,2, Xiao-lei Han2, Jing Ji2
1Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute, China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, China
2School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China

Tóm tắt

In order to apply the performance-based seismic design, an engineer must first find out whether the column is expected to fail in shear before or after flexural yielding. According to column failure characteristics and failure mode of reinforced concrete column, the UW-PEER structure performance database was discussed and analyzed. In order to investigate the relevance of failure mode and factors such as longitudinal reinforcement ratio, transverse reinforcement ratio, hoop spacing to depth ratio, aspect ratio, shearing resistance demand to shear capacity ratio and axial load ratio, Fisher’s discriminant analysis (FDA) of the above factors was carried out. A discriminant function was developed to identify column failure mode. Results show that three factors, i.e., V p/V n, hoop spacing to depth ratio and aspect ratio have important influence on the failure mode. The failure mode has less to do with longitudinal reinforcement ratio, transverse reinforcement ratio and axial load ratio. Through using these three factors and the model proposed, over 85.6% of the original grouped cases were correctly classified. The value of coefficient of V p/V n is the largest, which means that discriminant equation is most sensitive to the shearing resistance demand to shear capacity ratio.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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