Affective and cognitive design for mass personalization: status and prospect
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The prevailing practice of design for mass customization manifests itself through a configure-to-order paradigm, which means to satisfy explicit customer needs (CNs) and built upon legacy design. With pervasive connectivity and interactivity of the Internet and sensor networks, personalization has been witnessed in a number of industry sectors as a promising strategy that makes the market of one a reality. Mass personalization entails a strategy of producing goods and services to satisfy individual customer’s latent needs with values outperforming costs for both customers and producers. This review paper envisions an affective and cognitive design perspective to mass personalization. By exploiting implicit market demand information and revealing latent CNs, mass personalization aspires to assist customers in making better informed decisions, and to the largest extent, to anticipate customer satisfaction and adapt to customer delight. The key dimensions of mass personalization are identified and discussed. By capitalizing on user experience, affective and cognitive design for mass personalization is expected to address individual customer’s latent CNs. The decisions of affective and cognitive design, involving affective and cognitive needs elicitation, affective and cognitive analysis, and affective and cognitive fulfillment, are reviewed with a wide range of interests, including engineering design, human factors and ergonomics, engineering psychology, marketing, and human-computer interaction. Recent trends and future research directions are also speculated to inspire more meaningful research in this area.
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