Endocardial acceleration (sonR) vs. ultrasound-derived time intervals in recipients of cardiac resynchronization therapy systems

Europace - Tập 13 Số 3 - Trang 402-408 - 2011
Erwan Donal1,2,3, L. Giorgis2,4,3, Serge Cazeau5, C. Leclercq1,2,3, Lotfi Senhadji2,3, Amel Amblard4, Gaël Jauvert6, Mélanie Burban7, Elena Galli2,3, P. Mabo1,8,2,3
1Cardiology Department, CHU Rennes, Rennes, France
2INSERM, U642, Rennes, France
3Université de Rennes 1, LTSI, Rennes, France
4Sorin CRM, Clamart, France
5Saint Joseph Hôspital, Paris, France
6Inparys Clinical research Group, St Cloud, France
7Nouvelles Cliniques Nantaise, Nantes, France
8INSERM, CIC-IT 804, Rennes, France

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