Use of secondary-treated wastewater for the production of Muriellopsis sp.
Tóm tắt
In this paper, the use of secondary-treated wastewater as the culture medium for the production of Muriellopsis sp. microalgal biomass is analyzed. Using this wastewater, a maximum biomass productivity of 0.5 g l−1 day−1 was measured, it being only 38 % lower than that achieved using the standard culture medium. Due to the low nitrogen content of secondary-treated wastewater, cultures produced in a medium containing a high percentage of it become nitrate-limited, thus the quantum yield reduces by up to 0.38 g E−1—this compares to 0.67 g E−1 when using a standard culture medium. On the other hand, nitrate limitation enhances the accumulation of lipids and carbohydrates, with values measured at 33 and 66 % dry weight, respectively. It was also demonstrated that secondary-treated wastewater does not have any toxic effect on the growth of Muriellopsis sp. in spite of nitrogen being in the form of ammonium rather than in nitrate. Moreover, the secondary-treated wastewater was depurated when used to produce Muriellopsis sp., with the outlet biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand being lower than at the inlet; the nitrate and phosphate concentrations were zero. Therefore, Muriellopsis sp. production using secondary-treated wastewater allows a reduction in the process cost by decreasing freshwater and fertilizer use, as well as by depurating the water, thus greatly enhancing process sustainability.
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