Long term basic creep behavior of high performance concrete: data and modelling
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This paper presents long term creep data from high performance concretes (HPC) sourced from different research programs or civil engineering projects carried out at IFSTTAR’s Paris laboratory, France. The authors are now making all this data publicly available through a data archive. The experimental procedures are described in detail, in particular that used to verify the constancy over time of the specimens’ compressive stress. It is shown that the majority of the concretes exhibit linear long-term behavior when plotted against log (time). Indeed, the paper describes modelling sourced from the literature, based on a logarithmic function of time which, despite its simplicity, matches the experimental data quite well. Using this modelling, we studied the behavior of HPC prepared from the same set of constituents. We have shown that the logarithmic change in creep is a quasi linear function of the water to cement ratio and aggregate concentration. Finally, the accuracy of the fib MC2010 model code has been tested on IFSTARR’s data bank.
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