Bifurcation, Bursting, and Spike Frequency Adaptation
Tóm tắt
Many neural systems display adaptive properties that occur on timescales that are slower than the time scales associated withrepetitive firing of action potentials or bursting oscillations. Spike frequency adaptation is the name givento processes thatreduce the frequency of rhythmic tonic firing of action potentials,sometimes leading to the termination of spiking and the cell becomingquiescent. This article examines these processes mathematically,within the context of singularly perturbed dynamical systems.We place emphasis on the lengths of successive interspikeintervals during adaptation. Two different bifurcation mechanisms insingularly perturbed systems that correspond to the termination offiring are distinguished by the rate at which interspike intervalsslow near the termination of firing. We compare theoreticalpredictions to measurement of spike frequency adaptation in a modelof the LP cell of the lobster stomatogastric ganglion.
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