Observations on the biology and behaviour of the predaceous miteTyphlodromus italicus [Acarina: Phytoseiidae] in peach orchards
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The results of investigations onTyphlodromus italicus
Chant in some peach orchards in the Verona district, where the predator is wide-spread, are described. Both field and laboratory studies have shown thatT. italicus grows rapidly (egg to adult 6 days at 25°C.) and has a long reproductive period, especially when prey is available. It speedily recovers in number and has a high prey-searching capacity. It is fast-moving, and its distribution over the tree corresponds to that of the phytophagous mites. It can live and reproduce on the tree in the absence of prey. A density of 50–60T. italicus/100 leaves is reached in August. FemaleT. italicus are found on leaves till November feeding whenever prey is available, and wintering in a mated condition in bark crevices. Many enter diapause in late autumn. Overwinter mortality is high. These characteristics enableT. italicus to play a very significant role in the control of peach mites and in orchards, which are unsprayed, it keeps their populations at a low density from spring to autumn.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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