Firm's resilience to supply chain disruptions: Scale development and empirical examination

Journal of Operations Management - Tập 33 - Trang 111-122 - 2015
Saurabh Ambulkar1, Jennifer Blackhurst1, Scott Grawe1
1Department of Supply Chain and Information Systems, College of Business, Iowa State University, Gerdin Business Building, Ames, IA 50011, United States

Tóm tắt


This paper expands our understanding of factors that contribute to development of firm resilience to supply chain disruptions. In doing so, we operationalize firm resilience to understand how supply chain disruption orientated firms can develop resilience to supply chain disruptions. We find that supply chain disruption orientation alone is not enough for a firm to develop resilience. Supply chain disruption oriented firms require the ability to reconfigure resources or have a risk management resource infrastructure to develop resilience. The way in which supply chain disruption oriented firms develop resilience through resource reconfiguration or risk management infrastructure depends on the context of the disruption as high impact or low impact. In a high impact disruption context, resource reconfiguration fully mediates the relationship between supply chain disruption orientation and firm resilience. In a low impact disruption context, supply chain disruption orientation and risk management infrastructure have a synergistic effect on developing firm resilience.

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