Behavioral state modulates the ON visual motion pathway of <i>Drosophila</i>

James A. Strother1, Shiuan‐Tze Wu1, Edward M. Rogers1, Jessica Eliason1, Allan M. Wong1, Aljoscha Nern1, Michael B. Reiser1
1Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA 20147

Tóm tắt

Significance Animal visual systems are typically thought of by analogy to cameras—sensory systems providing continuous information streams that are processed through fixed algorithms. However, studies in flies and mice have shown that visual neurons are dynamically and adaptively retuned by the behavioral state of the animal. In Drosophila , prominent higher-order neurons in the visual system respond more strongly to fast-moving stimuli once the animal starts walking or flying. In this study, we systematically investigated the neurobiological mechanism governing the behavioral-state modulation of directionally selective neurons in Drosophila . We show that behavioral activity modifies the physiological properties of critical neurons in this visual motion circuit and that neuromodulation by central feedback neurons recapitulates these effects.

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