Adoption of precision agriculture technologies by German crop farmers
Tóm tắt
In recent years, precision farming has been receiving more attention from researchers. Precision farming, which provides a holistic system approach, helps farmers to manage the spatial and temporal crop and soil variability within a field in order to increase profitability, optimize yield and quality, and reduce costs. There has been considerable research in farmers’ adoption of precision agriculture technologies. However, most recent studies have considered only a few aspects, whereas in this study a wide range of farm characteristics and farmer demographics are tested to gain insight into the relevant aspects of adoption of precision farming in German crop farming. The results of a logistic regression analysis show that predictors with positive influence on the adoption of precision farming are agricultural contractor services such as an additional farming business, having under 5 years’ experience in crop farming, having between 16 and 20 years’ experience in crop farming, and having more than 500 ha of arable land. However, having a farm of less than 100 ha and producing barley are factors that exert a negative influence on the adoption of precision farming. The results of this study provide manifold starting points for the further proliferation of precision agriculture technologies and future research directions.
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