Mechanical properties of cement-treated mixtures of milled bituminous concrete and crushed aggregates

Matériaux et constructions - Tập 29 - Trang 411-417 - 1996
Stelios Kolias1
1National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Tóm tắt

Milled bituminous concrete and crushed limestone aggregates were combined in the laboratory in various proportions to simulate some of the combinations of materials that can be obtained when the method of mix-in-place recycling with cement is used. The influence of the milled bituminous concrete content of the various mixes is examined in terms of compressive strength (equivalent cubes, uniaxial prism strength), tensile strength (flexural and cylinder splitting strength) and modulus of elasticity (quasi-static, electrodynamic resonance). The effect of these mechanical properties on the traffic and temperature induced stresses as well as on the crack susceptibility of these materials is discussed. It is concluded that the incorporation of milled bituminous concrete in cement-stabilised granular materials imparts interesting properties in these materials, yet further research is needed, including fatigue tests as well as tensile strength and modulus of elasticity determinations at early ages (1–2 days).

Tài liệu tham khảo

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