Implementation of a Multiregion Hybridization Assay to Characterize HIV-1 Strains Detected among Injecting Drug Users in Manipur, India

Intervirology - Tập 52 Số 4 - Trang 175-178 - 2009
Roni Sarkar1, Satarupa Sengupta, Ranajoy Mullick, Ng Brajachand Singh, Kamalesh Sarkar, Sekhar Chakrabarti
1Division of Virology, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Calcutta, India

Tóm tắt

We have implemented the latest technology of a multiregion hybridization assay (MHAbce, version 2) for the molecular characterization of HIV-1 among injecting drug users (IDUs) of Manipur, India. This study provides a more detailed analysis on the basis of probes designed from eight different genomic regions of HIV-1, to achieve a clear picture of HIV-1 genomic diversity in Manipur. Out of 30 samples, 15 were found to be of subtype C, 1 of subtype B, 5 with dual-probe reactivity, 8 with multigenomic recombination pattern and 1 sample showed both dual-probe reactivity and multigenomic variations. In contrast, the heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) with respect to gag and env genes revealed 21 samples to be of subtype C (gag C/env C), 3 samples of subtype B (gag B/env B) and 6 samples of B/C recombinants (gag C/env B). MHAbce illustrates the occurrence of inter- and intragenomic variants and dual infection in an IDU population from India. It also indicates the possibility of the presence of new circulating recombinant forms of HIV-1 strains, which might have been difficult to trace by HMA alone.

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