Effects of endothelin-1 on epicardial coronary tone, coronary blood flow, ECG-ST change and regional wall motion in anesthetized dogs
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The effects of intracoronaryadministrated endothelin-1 on coronary hemodynamics and regional myocardial function were studied in anesthetized open-chest dogs. Epicardial coronary diameter (CoD) and coronary blood flow (CBF) were measured by a sonomicrometer of 10 MHz piezoelectric crystals and an electromagnetic flow probe on the left circumflex coronary artery (LCX). Regional wall motion was sonomicrometrically measured at regions supplied by the LCX and left anterior descending artery (LAD) and electrocardiograms were recorded. Endothelin-1, administered as a bolus injections into the LCX via an intracoronary cannula, in a dose-dependent manner reduced COD and CBF. The extent of the reduction of COD and CBF at a dose of 300 pmol was 12.3±1.5% (P<0.01) and 86±5% (p<0.01), respectively, of the control. The extent of CBF reduction and deterioration of systolic wall motion were linearly related with the dosage of endothelin-1. ST-elevation (lead II) and fatal ECG abnormalities, including complete atrioventricular block or ventricular fibrillation, were observed with doses above 60 and 100 pmol, respectively. Coronary angiography revealed that filling defects of dye were propagated from the third or distal branches to those of more proximal arteries when the doses of endothelin-1 were cumulatively infused into the LCX. Accordingly, lethal myocardial ischemia induced by endothelin-1 is produced by critical obstruction of rather small coronary vessels.
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