Tóm tắt
AbstractExtensive areas of desert soils in the southwestern United States have not been mapped. Conclusions concerning soil genesis and soil distribution have been reached in a study of desert soils in a study area typical of large parts of the Southwest. Observations in other desert regions indicate that results of the study should be useful in the prediction of soil occurrence in places similar to the study area. Important factors considered in making the predictions are topography, soil parent materials, soil age, climate, and soil biota. Airphotos and geologic, topographic, and hydrologic maps are useful in predicting soil occurrence. Soils for which occurrence may be predicted include Torripsamments, Torrifluvents, Torriorthents, Camborthids, Haplargids, Paleargids, Calciorthids, and Paleorthids. Boundaries to adjacent Mollisols are also discussed.