Hydrogen production with sea water electrolysis using Norwegian offshore wind energy potentials

Konrad Meier1
1Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, CMR Prototech, Bergen, Norway

Tóm tắt

This study looks into possibilities of hydrogen production on an offshore platform in Norway, to capitalize Norway’s offshore wind potential matching political goals to reduce emissions and make Norway’s transportation sector cleaner. The potential power output of a hypothetical offshore wind farm has been assessed using real operating data of other wind farms. The usable electricity was between and segmented into three scenarios. Solid oxide electrolysis cell and proton exchange membrane electrolysis are compared. Their function and the necessary technologies to operate them are described in detail. Based on these scenarios the annual hydrogen production was calculated with values between 1530 and 8020 tons per year. The second part of the study estimates the investment to find the production cost per kilogram hydrogen, which was compared to recent fuel prices in Norway to see whether the production of hydrogen was profitable. Prices vary between 5.20 € and 106.10 € per kg hydrogen.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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