A genome-wide association study identifies two loci associated with heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy

European Heart Journal - Tập 32 Số 9 - Trang 1065-1076 - 2011
Eric Villard1, C. J. Perret, G. J. Ferland, Carole Proust, Gilles Dilanian, Chris Wallace, Volker Ruppert, Eloisa Arbustini, Thomas Wichter, Marine Germain, Olivier Dubourg, Luigi Tavazzi, Marie‐Claude Aumont, Mihai Gheorghiade, Laurent Fauchier, J.N. Trochu, P Gibelin, Aupetit Jf, Klaus Stark, Jeanette Erdmann, Roland Hetzer, Angharad M. Roberts, Paul J.R. Barton, Vera Regitz‐Zagrosek, Usman Aslam, Laëtitia Duboscq-Bidot, Matthias Meyborg, B Maisch, Hugo Madeira, Anders Waldenström, Enrique Galve, John G.F. Cleland, Richard Dorent, Gérard Roizès2, Tanja Zeller, Stefan Blankenberg, Alison H. Goodall, Stuart A. Cook, David‐Alexandre Trégouët, Laurent Tiret, Richard Isnard, Michel Galinier, Philippe Charron, François Cambien
1Génétique, pharmacologie et physiopathologie des maladies cardiovasculaires
2Institut de génétique humaine

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