Homozygous deletion of the alpha- and beta 1-interferon genes in human leukemia and derived cell lines.

Manuel O. Dı́az1, S Ziemin1, Michelle M. Le Beau1, Paula M. Pitha1, Stephen D. Smith1, Robert R. Chilcote1, JD Rowley1
1Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, IL 60637.

Tóm tắt

The loss of bands p21-22 from one chromosome 9 homologue as a consequence of a deletion of the short arm [del(9p)], unbalanced translocation, or monosomy 9 is frequently observed in the malignant cells of patients with lymphoid neoplasias, including acute lymphoblastic leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The alpha- and beta 1-interferon genes have been assigned to this chromosome region (9p21-22). We now present evidence of the homozygous deletion of the interferon genes in neoplastic hematopoietic cell lines and primary leukemia cells in the presence or absence of chromosomal deletions that are detectable at the level of the light microscope. In these cell lines, the deletion of the interferon genes is accompanied by a deficiency of 5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (EC, an enzyme of purine metabolism. These homozygous deletions may be associated with the loss of a tumor-suppressor gene that is involved in the development of these neoplasias. The relevant genes may be either the interferon genes themselves or a gene that has a tumor-suppressor function and is closely linked to them.

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