Diapause induction in the thrips predatorAmblyseius cucumeris [Acarina: phytoseiidae] under greenhouse conditions

BioControl - Tập 36 - Trang 253-263 - 1991
W. D. Morewood1, L. A. Gilkeson2
1Department of Biology University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.
2Applied Bio-Nomics Ltd., Sidney, Canada

Tóm tắt

The predatory miteAmblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) is an important biological control agent for thrips in commercial greenhouses, but its effectiveness in fall and winter is limited by reproductive diapause induced under short day conditions. Influence of photoperiod and temperature on diapause induction was investigated to provide information for successful management of the predator. Under 8∶16 (L∶D) photoperiods and 22°C photophase temperatures, diapause incidence was inversely related to scotophase temperature, decreasing from 100% diapause at 15°C to no diapause at 21°C. In continuous darkness, diapause was induced by thermoperiods of 20∶10 and 22∶17 and 22∶17 but not 25∶15°C (T∶C) (8h thermophase). Critical daylength for inducing diapause under 22∶17°C (T∶C) was 12.45 h, which was consistent with the trend in diapause incidence in mites collected from an established greenhouse population September to November. MostA. cucumeris diapaused only when exposed to diapause inducing conditions throughout their juvenile development and none stopped laying eggs when transferred from nondiapause to diapause inducing conditions as adults. After 14 generations of genetic selection for a nondiapause strain, diapause incidence was 33.3%.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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