Fluid dynamics of unsteady separated flow. Part II. Lifting surfaces
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Ericksson, 1971, Unsteady airfoil stall and stall flutter, NASA CR-111906
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Ericsson, 1971, Unsteady airfoil stall, review and extension, J. Aircr., 8, 609, 10.2514/3.59146
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Ericsson, 1973, Unsteady aerodynamic analysis of space shuttle vehicles, Part II: steady and unsteady aerodynamics of sharp-edged delta wings, NASA CR-120123
Reding, 1973, Unsteady aerodynamic analysis of space shuttle vehicles, Part III: booster interference effects, NASA CR-120124
Reding, 1973, Unsteady aerodynamic analysis of space shuttle vehicles, Part IV: effect of control deflections on orbiter unsteady aerodynamics, NASA CR-120125
Ericsson, 1976, Unsteady aerodynamic flow field analysis of the space shuttle configuration, Part I: orbiter aerodynamics, NASA CR-14432
Reding, 1976, Unsteady aerodynamic flow field analysis of the space shuttle configuration, Part II: launch vehicle aeroelastic analysis, NASA CR-144333
Ericsson, 1976, Unsteady aerodynamic flow field analysis of the space shuttle configuration, Part III: unsteady aerodynamics of bodies with concave nose geometries, NASA CR-144334
Reding, 1976, Unsteady aerodynamic flow field analysis of the space shuttle configuration, Part IV: 747/orbiter aeroelastic stability, NASA CR-144335
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Lambourne, 1969, The behavior of the leading-edge vortices over a delta wing, following a sudden change of incidence
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