Displacement vectors derived from second-order intensity variations in image sequences
Tài liệu tham khảo
Ullman, 1979
1980, Special issue on motion and time-varying imagery, PAMI-2
Asada, 1981, Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Motions from Image Sequences, IEEE Conf, on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 88
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Dreschler, 1981, Volumetric Model and 3D-Trajectory of a Moving Car Derived from Monocular TV-Frame Sequences of a Street Scene, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 20, 692
Nagel, 1981, On the Derivation of 3D Rigid Point Configurations from Image Sequences, IEEE Conf, on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 103
Nagel, 1981, On 3D Reconstruction from Two Perspective Views, International Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, 661
Neumann, 1981, 3D-Information aus mehrfachen Ansichten, 93
Prazdny, 1981, Determining the instantaneous direction of motion from optical flow generated by a curvilinearly moving observer, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 17, 238, 10.1016/0146-664X(81)90004-6
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Radig, 1981, Auswertung von digitisierten Fernsehbildern zur Beschreibung bewegter Objekte, Dissertation, Fachbereich Informatik (Maerz 1978), Universitaet Hamburg; see also Image region extraction of moving objects, 311
Radig, 1981, Inferential Region Extraction in TV Sequences, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 719
Nagel, 1981, Image sequence analysis: What can we learn from applications?, 19
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Dreschler, 1981, Ermittlung markanter Punkte auf den Bildern bewegter Objekte und Berechnung einer 3D-Beschreibung auf dieser Grundlage
Nagel, 1980, From Digital Picture Processing to Image Analysis, 27
Dreschler, 1981, On the frame-to-frame correspondence between greyvalue characteristics in the images of moving objects, 18
Kitchen, 1980, Gray-Level Corner Detection
Marr, 1981, Directional selectivity and its use in early visual processing, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B, 211, 151, 10.1098/rspb.1981.0001
Marr, 1980, Theory of edge detection, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B, 207, 187, 10.1098/rspb.1980.0020
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Dreschler, 1982, On the Selection of Critical Points and Local Curvature Extrema of Region Boundaries for Interframe Matching, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 542
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Limb, 1975, Measuring the speed of moving objects from television signals, IEEE Trans. Commun., COM-23, 474, 10.1109/TCOM.1975.1092828
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Fukinuki, 1976, Improvement of inter-frame predictive coding of TV-signals by utilizing visual properties for moving objects, Trans. IECE Japan, E-59, 28
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Schalkoff, 1982, Algorithm Development for Real-Time Automatic Video Tracking Systems, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., PAMI-4, 2, 10.1109/TPAMI.1982.4767188
Netravali, 1980, Motion-compensated coding: Some new results, Bell Sys. Tech, J., 59, 1735, 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1980.tb03058.x
Thompson, 1981, Lower-level estimation and interpretation of visual motion, IEEE Comput., 14, 20, 10.1109/C-M.1981.220559
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Dinse, 1981, Untersuchung von Verschiebungsvektorfeldern in Bildfolgen, 69
Schunck, 1981, Constraints on Optical Flow, IEEE Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 205
Snyder, 1980, Image Modeling, the Continuity Assumption and Tracking, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1111
Prazdny, 1981, A Simple Method for Recovering Relative Depth Map in the Case of a Translating Sensor, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 698
Korn, 1980, Motion Analysis in Natural Scenes Picked up by a Moving Optical Sensor, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1251
Kories, 1981, Determination of Displacement Vector Fields for General Camera Motions, IEEE Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, 115
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