Bioflavonoids as antiradicals, antioxidants and DNA cleavage protectors

Cell Biology and Toxicology - Tập 16 - Trang 91-98 - 2000
A. Russo, R. Acquaviva, A. Campisi, V. Sorrenti, C. Di Giacomo, G. Virgata, M.L. Barcellona, A. Vanella

Tóm tắt

Flavonoids have recently aroused considerable interest because of their broad pharmacological activity. In fact, flavonoids have been reported to have antiviral, antiallergic, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory and antitumoral activities. The pharmacological properties of bioflavonoids have been ascribed both to the concomitant inhibition of enzymes involved in the production of free radicals and to their free-radical scavenging and iron chelating capacity. However the antioxidant capacity of bioflavonoids due to free-radical scavenging and/or to iron chelating is still controversial. In this study, we have investigated the free-radical scavenging capacity of bioflavonoids (rutin, catechin, and naringin). In addition, the effects of these polyphenols on xanthine oxidase activity, spontaneous lipid peroxidation, and DNA cleavage were investigated. The bioflavonoids under examination showed a dose-dependent free-radical scavenging effect, a significant inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity, and an antilipoperoxidative capacity. In addition, they showed a protective effect on DNA cleavage.

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