A taxonomy of approaches to teach spelling

Journal of Behavioral Education - Tập 1 - Trang 117-130 - 1991
Timothy E. Heron1, Beatrice A. Okyere2, April D. Miller1
1Department of Educational Services and Research, The Ohio State University, Columbus
2Department of Special Education, The University of Maine, Farmington, Maine

Tóm tắt

This paper presents a comprehensive taxonomy for classifying major approaches to teach spelling. The Traditional Approach is based on linguistic theory, and is predicated on the assumption that there is regularity to the spelling of words in the English language. Many commercially-based spelling programs use the Traditional Approach. The Remedial Approach can be divided into four subcategories, two of which employ multisensory methods. Horn's remedial method combines elements of visualization, pronunciation, and spelling recall, whereas the phonovisual method is phonetically based, and stresses visual and auditory discrimination of letter sounds. Methods under the Specialized Approach can be considered discrete spelling interventions based on applied behavior analysis, direct instruction, spelling rules, cognitive behavior modification, peer tutoring, or computer applications. The authors' position is that the Specialized Approach offers the optimum combination of instructional efficiency and effectiveness consistent with the concept of the least restrictive alternative. We believe that self-correction is the best exemplar of this approach.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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