LES of Premixed Methane Flame Impinging on the Wall Using Non-adiabatic Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) Approach
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In this paper LES of flame wall interaction using a non-adiabatic FGM approach is reported for a premixed methane fuel jet impinging on a spherical disk. Nitrogen is used as co-flow in order to avoid the interaction with the surrounding air and combustion. The flow field is described by means of the Smagorinsky model with Germano procedure for SGS stresses. The SGS scalar flux in scalar transport equations is modeled by the linear eddy diffusivity model. Two aspects are especially addressed in this paper. First focus is on the grid resolution required near the wall without including a special wall-adapted SGS modeling in reacting configurations. The second aspect is devoted to the integration of the near wall kinetic effects into the FGM framework. The results for the flow field, mixing and combustion properties are presented and analyzed in terms of grid resolution, Reynolds number (in reacting and non-reacting case) and adiabaticity. Comparisons with available experimental data show satisfactory agreement. An outline of the thermal and flow boundary layer analysis is subsequently provided.
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