Fine-scale spatial temperature patterns across a UK conurbation

Climatic Change - Tập 109 - Trang 269-286 - 2011
Claire L. Smith1, A. Webb2, G. J. Levermore3, S. J. Lindley4, K. Beswick2
1College of Science and Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
2School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
3School of Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
4School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Tóm tắt

The public health implications of a warming urban environment mean that appropriate action by planners, designers and health workers will be necessary to minimise risk under future climate scenarios. Data at an appropriate spatial scale are required by user groups in order to identify key areas of vulnerability. Thermal mapping of a UK urban conurbation was carried out during the summers of 2007 and 2008 with the aim of providing high spatial resolution temperature data. The air temperature results showed an average daytime (night time) urban–rural thermal contrast of 3°C (5°C) on summer days (nights) with ideal urban heat island (UHI) conditions. The intensity of the daytime surface temperature heat island was found to exceed 10°C. The measured data were used to derive an empirical model of spatial temperature patterns based upon characteristics of land use, distance from urban centre and building geometry. This model can be used to provide sub-kilometre resolution temperature data which are required by decision makers and can provide a mechanism for downscaling climate model output.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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