Seven pivotal theorems of Fourier analysis, signal analysis, numerical analysis and number theory: their interconnections
Tóm tắt
The present paper deals mainly with seven fundamental theorems of mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, and number theory, namely the generalized Parseval decomposition formula (GPDF), introduced 15 years ago, the well-known approximate sampling theorem (ASF), the new approximate reproducing kernel theorem, the basic Poisson summation formula, already known to Gauß, a newer version of the GPDF having a structure similar to that of the Poisson summation formula, namely, the Parseval decomposition–Poisson summation formula, the functional equation of Riemann’s zeta function, as well as the Euler–Maclaurin summation formula. It will in fact be shown that these seven theorems are all equivalent to one another, in the sense that each is a corollary of the others. Since these theorems can all be deduced from each other, one of them has to be proven independently in order to verify all. It is convenient to choose the ASF, introduced in 1963. The epilogue treats possible extensions to the more general contexts of reproducing kernel theory and of abstract harmonic analysis, using locally compact abelian groups. This paper is expository in the sense that it treats a number of mathematical theorems, their interconnections, their equivalence to one another. On the other hand, the proofs of the many intricate interconnections among these theorems are new in their essential steps and conclusions.
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