Diversity in symbiont consortia in the pea aphid complex is associated with large phenotypic variation in the insect host

Evolutionary Ecology - Tập 30 - Trang 925-941 - 2016
Mélanie Leclair1,2,3, Inès Pons1,2, Frédérique Mahéo2, Stéphanie Morlière2, Jean-Christophe Simon2, Yannick Outreman1,3
1UMR 1349 IGEPP, INRA, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes Cedex, France
2UMR 1349 IGEPP, INRA, Le Rheu, France
3Université Bretagne Loire, Rennes, France

Tóm tắt

Virtually all eukaryotes host microbial symbionts that influence their phenotype in many ways. In a host population, individuals may differ in their symbiotic complement in terms of symbiont species and strains. Hence, the combined expression of symbiont and host genotypes may generate a range of phenotypic diversity on which selection can operate and influence host population ecology and evolution. Here, we used the pea aphid to examine how the infection with various symbiotic complements contributes to phenotypic diversity of this insect species. The pea aphid hosts an obligate symbiont (Buchnera aphidicola) and several secondary symbionts among which is Hamiltonella defensa. This secondary symbiont confers a protection against parasitoids but can also reduce the host’s longevity and fecundity. These phenotypic effects of H. defensa infection have been described for a small fraction of the pea aphid complex which encompasses multiple plant-specialized biotypes. In this study, we examined phenotypic differences in four pea aphid biotypes where H. defensa occurs at high frequency and sometimes associated with other secondary symbionts. For each biotype, we measured the fecundity, lifespan and level of parasitoid protection in several aphid lineages differing in their symbiotic complement. Our results showed little variation in longevity and fecundity among lineages but strong differences in their protection level. These differences in protective levels largely resulted from the strain type of H. defensa and the symbiotic consortium in the host. This study highlights the important role of symbiotic complement in the emergence of phenotypic divergence among host populations of the same species.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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