Changes in Physiological Arousal to Gambling Cues Among Participants in Motivationally Enhanced Cognitive–Behavior Therapy for Pathological Gambling: A Preliminary Study
Tóm tắt
Despite somewhat high attrition and relapse rates, cognitive–behavioral interventions for pathological gambling seem promising. As a possible remedy to these problems, we conducted a preliminary study of gambling-specific cognitive–behavior therapy (CBT) with the addition of motivational enhancement techniques (MET) for the treatment of pathological gamblers. Data on psychophysiological arousal upon exposure to imagined gambling vignettes were collected at both pre- and posttreatment. Results indicate that participants showed decreases in degree of arousal during the vignettes from pre- to posttreatment. There was also a strong dose–response relationship between reductions in gambling symptoms and reductions in arousal. These findings are discussed, as are their implications for further study of pathological gambling.
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