Modeling adsorption of inorganic phosphorus on dust fallout in Kuwait bay

Journal of Engineering Research - Tập 2 - Trang 1-14 - 2014
Eqbal Al-enezi1, Ali Al-dousari1, Fatema Al-shammari1
1Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Environmental and Life Sciences Research Center, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Tóm tắt

Phosphorus (P) adsorption-desorption behaviors on the airborne dust have been investigated by using simulation with numerical modeling. Dust samples were collected during summer 2011 along coastline of Kuwait Bay. Dust storms results showed that substantial nutrients increase in Kuwait Bay which is led to, subsequently, frequent algal blooms and ecological stress. Numerous physical processes give rise to nutrient levels including sediment adsorption/desorption processes. This correlation was incorporated into a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (Delft3D-FLOW) and a 3D water quality model (Delft3D-WAQ), originated by Deltares, the Netherlands and was linked to a sediment transport model. Simulations showed an enhanced prediction of dissolved phosphorus in Kuwait Bay during the last dust storm in 2011.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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