Investigation of emulsion for die sinking EDM
Tóm tắt
Machining fluid is a primary factor that affects the material removal rate, surface quality, and electrode wear of electrical discharge machining (EDM). Kerosene is the most commonly used working fluid in die sinking EDM, but it shows low ignition temperature and high volatility; if the improper operations are undertaken, it can cause conflagration. Using distilled water or pure water as the machining fluid in EDM, no fire hazard occurs, and the working environment is well; however, using distilled water or pure water as the machining fluid in EDM, the material removal rate of machining large surface is low, and the machine tool is easily eroded. Emulsion-1 and emulsion-2 used as working fluid in die sinking EDM are developed. The compositions of emulsion-1 and emulsion-2 are introduced. In comparison with kerosene, emulsion-1 and emulsion-2 used in EDM show high material removal rate, low surface roughness, high discharge gap, and good working environment. The electrode wear ratio in emulsion-1 is lower than that in kerosene. The electrode wear ratio in emulsion-2 is higher than that in kerosene. The effects of composition and concentration of emulsifier on the emulsion property and EDM performance have been investigated. The comparative tests of EDM performance with kerosene, emulsion-1, and emulsion-2 have been done.
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