Five principles for the practice of knowledge exchange in environmental management

Journal of Environmental Management - Tập 146 - Trang 337-345 - 2014
M.S. Reed1, L.C. Stringer2, I. Fazey3, A.C. Evely4, J.H.J. Kruijsen5
1Knowledge Exchange Research Centre of Excellence, Birmingham School of the Built Environment, Birmingham City University, Millennium Point, Curzon Street, Birmingham B4 7XG, United Kingdom
2Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
3School of the Environment, University of Dundee, Perth Road, Dundee DD1 4HN, United Kingdom
4Project MAYA CIC, 54 Tetherdown, London N101NG, United Kingdom
5Centre for Understanding Sustainable Practice, Robert Gordon University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen AB10 7GJ, United Kingdom

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