Enzymatic esterifications of functionalized phenols for the synthesis of lipophilic antioxidants

Biotechnology Letters - Tập 20 - Trang 131-136 - 1998
G.J.H. Buisman1, C.T.W. van Helteren1, G.F.H. Kramer1, J.W. Veldsink1, J.T.P Derksen1, F.P. Cuperus1
1Agrotechnological Research Institute (ATO-DLO), Wageningen, The Netherlands

Tóm tắt

Of seven lipases used to esterify functionalized phenols and fatty acids to synthesize lipophilic antioxidants, that from Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B) had the highest catalytic activity. Esterification yields of benzoic acid derivatives catalyzed by CAL-B are below 2% after 7 days. In contrast, relatively high yields were obstained for the esterification of (poly)phenols bearing primary hydroxy groups and aliphatic acids (85% yield within 15 hours). Crude products were purified and used as lipophilic antioxidants in sunflower oil.

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