Monetary Valuations of Life Conditions in a Consistent Framework: The Life Satisfaction Approach

Journal of Happiness Studies - Tập 18 - Trang 1275-1303 - 2016
Shunsuke Managi1,2, Tetsuya Tsurumi3
1QUT Business School, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
2Urban Research Center, Departments of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
3Nanzan University, Seto, Japan

Tóm tắt

The life satisfaction approach (LSA) enables researchers to attach monetary values to nonmarket circumstances that affect people’s life satisfaction. Previous studies employ LSA to examine how the environment, health, and social capital, etc. affect life satisfaction. This study focuses on the OECD Better Life Index and intends to evaluate more comprehensive socioeconomic characteristics. Considering comprehensive factors about life enables us to avoid biased estimation. This study also considers more consistent estimation methods. Previous studies tend to attach monetary valuations in different settings. Thus, it is difficult to compare the effects of different socioeconomic circumstances. This study employs LSA to estimate the happiness functions of Japanese survey respondents by incorporating extensive socioeconomic characteristics as explanatory variables. Controlling for multiple factors affecting subjective wellbeing, we more accurately attach monetary values to each factor within a consistent analytical framework. By doing so, we assess factors’ relative comparable influence on subjective wellbeing. We adopt three estimation procedures to check robustness against model specifications. Results indicate that respondents value small changes in their socioeconomic circumstances more highly than other factors. Especially, circumstances surrounding quality of life carry higher equivalent monetary valuations than material living standards.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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