Circulation and in vivo distribution of duck hepatitis A virus types 1 and 3 in infected ducklings

Archives of Virology - Tập 161 Số 2 - Trang 405-416 - 2016
Shaoli Lin1,2, Richao Cong1,2, Ruihua Zhang1,2, Junhao Chen1,2, Ling Xia1,2, Zhixun Xie1,2, Yu Wang3, Yanli Zhu1,2, Shijin Jiang1,2
1Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, China
2Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology and Disease Control and Prevention, Taian, China
3Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Taishan Medical College, Taian, China

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