A heterogeneous speech feature vectors generation approach with hybrid hmm classifiers
Tóm tắt
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) system plays a vital role in the human–machine interaction. ASR system faces the challenge of performance degradation due to inconsistency between training and testing phases. This occurs due to extraction and representation of erroneous, redundant feature vectors. This paper proposes three different combinations at speech feature vector generation phase and two hybrid classifiers at modeling phase. In feature extraction phase MFCC, RASTA-PLP, and PLP are combined in different ways. In modeling phase, the mean and variance are calculated to generate the inter and intra class feature vectors. These feature vectors are further adopted by optimization algorithm to generate refined feature vectors with traditional statistical technique. This approach uses GA + HMM and DE + HMM techniques to produce refine model parameters. The experiments are conducted on datasets of large vocabulary isolated Punjabi lexicons. The simulation result shows the performance improvement using MFCC and DE + HMM technique when compared with RASTA-PLP, PLP using hybrid HMM classifiers.
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