Hydrogeochemical characterization and groundwater quality assessment in the intensive agricultural zone of the Upper Cheliff plain, Algeria
Tóm tắt
The alluvial aquifer of Upper Cheliff (northern Algeria) is known for its intensive agricultural activities, which is based especially on groundwater exploitation. This aquifer is now facing a dual problem of quantity and quality, with a decrease in the groundwater levels and an increase in mineralization. Twenty monitoring samples were collected and analyzed for major ion during the dry season 2014. In the present study, we try to characterize the hydrogeochemical processes and to assess the impact of natural and anthropogenic conditions on groundwater mineralization. The analytical results of the dry season 2014 show a groundwater quality slightly alkaline (pH > 7) and indicate that the majority of samples have a values exceeding the limits of potability fixed by WHO in 2008, due to the various sources of anthropogenic pollution. The Piper diagram shows the dominance of groundwater types: Ca–Cl, the mixed facies (Cl–SO4–Ca–Mg), and Ca–HCO3: The mineralization process in this aquifer is mainly controlled by the lithology of the aquifer (exchange water–rock and weathering of calcareous crust dissolution in the unsaturated zone), by anthropogenic factors (discharges of untreated urban sewage, intensive use of fertilizers in agriculture and the use of domestic septic tanks by rural inhabitants) and also by geoclimatic conditions (semiarid climate). Suitability of groundwater shows more than 80% of samples have very poor quality for drinking and more than 20% of samples indicate a quality unsuitable for irrigation.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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