CoMMA: a framework for integrated multimedia mining using multi-relational associations

Knowledge and Information Systems - Tập 10 - Trang 135-162 - 2005
Ankur M. Teredesai1, Muhammad A. Ahmad1, Juveria Kanodia1, Roger S. Gaborski1
1Department of Computer Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, USA

Tóm tắt

Generating captions or annotations automatically for still images is a challenging task. Traditionally, techniques involving higher-level (semantic) object detection and complex feature extraction have been employed for scene understanding. On the basis of this understanding, corresponding text descriptions are generated for a given image. In this paper, we pose the auto-annotation problem as that of multi-relational association rule mining where the relations exist between image-based features, and textual annotations. The central idea is to combine low-level image features such as color, orientation, intensity, etc. and corresponding text annotations to generate association rules across multiple tables using multi-relational association mining. Subsequently, we use these association rules to auto-annotate test images. In this paper we also present a multi-relational extension to the FP-tree algorithm to accomplish the association rule mining task effectively. The motivation for using multi-relational association rule mining for multimedia data mining is to exhibit the potential accorded by multiple descriptions for the same image (such as multiple people labeling the same image differently). Moreover, multi-relational association rule mining can also benefit the auto-annotation process by pruning the number of trivial associations that are generated if text and image features were combined in a single table through a join. In this paper, we discuss these issues and the results of our auto-annotation experiments on different test sets. Another contribution of this paper is highlighting a need to develop robust evaluation metrics for the image annotation task. We propose several applicable scoring techniques and then evaluate the performance of the different algorithms to study the utility of these techniques. A detailed analysis of the datasets used and the performance results are presented to conclude the paper.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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