A developmental analysis of the learning and short-term-memory processes mediating performance in conditional-spatial discrimination problems
Tóm tắt
The development of the rat’s ability to use its memory for recent events to control its choice behavior was examined in a conditional-spatial discrimination task. Rats 21, 28, or 38 days old were trained to escape to a platform located at the end of one arm of a water-filled T-maze. Location of the platform on a choice run was conditionally related to the outcome of the previous forced run. In Experiment 1 the pups were required to solve a win/shift version of the problem: the escape platform on the choice run was located in the arm that was blocked on the forced run. Pups at all ages solved the problem; however, performance during acquisition was age-related. The youngest pups required almost twice as many trials to reach criterion as did the oldest pups. The pups’ short-term memory was further challenged by tests with 30-, 60-, or 180-sec intervals separating the forced and choice runs. The oldest pups were able to perform well above chance at all delay intervals, but the choice performance of pups 25 and 31 days old on the test day fell to chance when they were tested at the 60- and 180-sec intervals, respectively. The results of two other experiments suggest that the impaired acquisition performance displayed by the younger animals was not the result of age-related differences in response predisposition the animals bring to the task or to their being unable to remember the outcome of the forced run. Some implications of these findings for brain maturation are discussed.
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