Biodiversity and endemism mapping as a tool for regional conservation planning – case study of the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) of the Andean rain forests in Bolivia

Robert Müller, Christoph Nowicki, Wilhelm Barthlott, Pierre L. Ibisch

Tóm tắt

Analyses of species diversity and endemism patterns provide vital inputs for conservation planning. Therefore, it is an important dilemma of biodiversity conservation that in very diverse but poorly studied tropical countries those patterns can hardly be considered. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop prediction models that make the best use of existing data on species distribution and that can give hints on spatial conservation priorities. This paper presents the results of a pilot study on the diversity of the orchid subtribe Pleurothallidinae (331 mapped species) in the Andean rain forests of Bolivia. Results of a taxon-based mapping methodology, using abiotic (humidity and temperature, the latter indicated by altitude) and historical factors (taken into account as distance from collection localities) that determine species ranges, are compared with outcomes of an inventory-based mapping approach. The patterns of taxon-based diversity and endemism show a strong correlation with the distribution of sample localities. The inventory-based approach is more reliable, but it is interesting to apply both mapping methods in order to make a critical interpretation and comparison that facilitates some valuable conservation recommendations. We end with concrete conclusions for conservation planning and action.

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