Weakly Separated Spaces and Pixley–Roy Hyperspaces

Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society - Tập 49 - Trang 1-25 - 2023
Alejandro Ríos-Herrejón1
1Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico

Tóm tắt

In this paper we obtain new results regarding the chain conditions in the Pixley–Roy hyperspaces $${\mathscr {F}\hspace{0mm}}[X]$$ . For example, if c(X) and R(X) denote the cellularity and weak separation number of X (see Sect. 4) and we define the cardinals $$\begin{aligned} c^* (X):= \sup \{c(X^{n}): n\in {\mathbb {N}}\} \quad \text {and} \quad R^{*}(X):= \sup \{R(X^{n}): n\in {\mathbb {N}}\}, \end{aligned}$$ then we show that $$R^{*}(X) = c^ {*}\left( {\mathscr {F}\hspace{0mm}}[X]\right) $$ . On the other hand, in Sakai (Topol Appl 159:3080–3088, 2012, Question 3.23, p. 3087) Sakai asked whether the fact that $${\mathscr {F}\hspace{0mm}}[X]$$ is weakly Lindelöf implies that X is hereditarily separable and proved that if X is countably tight then the previous question has an affirmative answer. We shall expand Sakai’s result by proving that if $${\mathscr {F}\hspace{0mm}}[X]$$ is weakly Lindelöf and X satisfies any of the following conditions: then X is hereditarily separable.

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