High rehospitalization rate in alcohol-induced psychotic disorder
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Little is known about the prevalence and in particular the outcome of alcohol-induced psychotic disorder (AIPD). Data from hospital statistics of the BARMER GEK, one of the major health insurance companies in Germany, show a low overall prevalence of AIPD. An analysis of readmission rates for patients hospitalized for AIPD in 2005 (N = 462) and 2006 (N = 404) for the period up to 2010 revealed very high readmission rates. Only a minority of patients were without relapse [144 (31.2 %) of the 2005 sample; 152 (37.6 %) of the 2006 sample]. Thus, AIPD appears to be a rare complication of the alcohol use disorder but to have an extremely high rehospitalization rate, probably indicating a more chronic course and worse prognosis than previously thought. More follow-up studies are needed to elucidate this syndrome.
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