Real-Time Adherence Monitoring for HIV Antiretroviral Therapy

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 1340-1346 - 2010
Jessica E. Haberer1,2,3, Josh Kahane2, Isaac Kigozi4, Nneka Emenyonu1,2,4, Peter Hunt5, Jeffrey Martin5, David R. Bangsberg1,2,3,4
1Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Global Health, Boston, USA
2Harvard Initiative for Global Health, Cambridge, USA
3Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, Charlestown, USA
4Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Mbarara, Uganda
5University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA

Tóm tắt

Current adherence assessments typically detect missed doses long after they occur. Real-time, wireless monitoring strategies for antiretroviral therapy may provide novel opportunities to proactively prevent virologic rebound and treatment failure. Wisepill, a wireless pill container that transmits a cellular signal when opened, was pilot tested in ten Ugandan individuals for 6 months. Adherence levels measured by Wisepill, unannounced pill counts, and self-report were compared with each other, prior standard electronic monitoring, and HIV RNA. Wisepill data was initially limited by battery life and signal transmission interruptions. Following device improvements, continuous data was achieved with median (interquartile range) adherence levels of 93% (87–97%) by Wisepill, 100% (99–100%) by unannounced pill count, 100% (100–100%) by self-report, and 92% (79–98%) by prior standard electronic monitoring. Four individuals developed transient, low-level viremia. After overcoming technical challenges, real-time adherence monitoring is feasible for resource-limited settings and may detect suboptimal adherence prior to viral rebound.

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