Household Income, Satisfaction with Standard of Living, and Subjective Well-Being. The Moderating Role of Happiness Materialism
Tóm tắt
The goal of this paper is to report a study that tested the moderation effect of materialism on the relationship between household income and satisfaction with standard of living (SOL) and subjective well-being. Through a study among 5240 employed members of a representative survey panel in Germany, we found that household income has a positive influence on satisfaction with SOL (as hypothesized), which in turn has a positive impact on subjective well-being (as hypothesized). We also found that the positive income-SOL satisfaction relationship is negatively moderated by happiness materialism (as hypothesized) and that happiness materialism is positively associated with frequent SOL evaluations based on ideal expectations (also as hypothesized). Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
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