Analytical and parametric investigations on lateral torsional buckling of European IPE and IPN beams

International Journal of Steel Structures - Tập 17 - Trang 695-709 - 2017
Tolga Yilmaz1, Nevzat Kirac1
1Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey

Tóm tắt

Lateral torsional buckling is one of the main failure modes controlling the strength of the slender thin-walled members. A transversely or transversely and axially combined loaded member that is bent with respect to its axis of greatest flexural rigidity may buckle laterally and twist as applied load reaches its critical value unless the beam is provided with a sufficient lateral support. This study intends to present a unique convenient equation that it can be used for calculating critical lateral-torsional buckling load of simply supported European IPE and IPN beams. First, an analytical model is introduced to describe lateraltorsional buckling behavior of beams with monosymmetric cross-section. The analytical model includes first order bending distribution, load height level and monosymmetry property of the section. Then, parametric study is carried out using the analytical solutions in order to establish a simplified equation with dimensionless coefficients. The effect of slenderness and loading positions on lateral-torsional buckling behavior of IPE and IPN beams are studied. The proposed solutions are compared to finite element simulations where thin-walled shell elements and beam elements including warping are used. Good agreement between the analytical, parametric and numerical solutions is demonstrated. It is found out that the lateral-torsional buckling load of European IPE and IPE beams can be determined by presented equation and can be safely used in design procedures.

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