Variation of mechanical properties of granite after high-temperature treatment
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Variations in the mechanical properties (compressive strength, elastic modulus, tensile strength, and fracture toughness) of granite were analyzed as functions of temperature. It was found that above 200 °C, tensile strength and fracture toughness tended to decrease with temperature, while variations in the compressive strength and elastic modulus demonstrated decreasing trends when the heating temperature exceeded 400 °C. The temperature ranges of room temperature—200 and above 600 °C—corresponded to an undamaged state and strongly/completely damaged state, respectively. It is suggested that 400 °C might be a critical threshold of thermal damage to granite. Based on results of statistical tests, a sharp decrease in mechanical properties can be recognized, accompanied by a drastic growth in peaking strain and acoustic emission rate. This phenomenon may be associated with the α/β phase transition of quartz.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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